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Night Before The Exams A Film By Fausto Brizzi

Night Before the Exams: A Film by Fausto Brizzi


Notte prima degli esami (Night Before the Exams) is a 2006 Italian comedy-drama film written and directed by Fausto Brizzi. It stars Nicolas Vaporidis and tells the story of a group of high school students preparing for their final exams in the 1980s.

Influences and Cultural Impact

The film is a nostalgic look at the teenage years of the 1980s, and features a soundtrack of popular Italian pop songs from the era. It has been praised for its humor, warmth, and its accurate portrayal of the student experience.

The film's theme song, "Notte prima degli esami" by Antonello Venditti, is one of the most popular Italian pop songs of all time. It was released in 1984 and has become synonymous with the high school experience in Italy.

Notte prima degli esami has been a critical and commercial success, and has become a cult classic among Italian audiences. It has also been remade in several other countries, including the United States.
